Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Brain Gunk

My new blog/journal/my thoughts spewed everywhere beginning with a random list.
The Things/People I Love List (Not in any Particular Order)

1. My family: Most teenagers complain and complain about their parents and blah blah, but I'll be the first to be honest. My family ROCKS. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all live in Austin. I can see them wheneva! I love having a close family.

2. LOTR, Harry Potter, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Anastasia, Shawshank Redemption, Twelve Monkeys, Any Pixar Movie: Basically the best movies ever.

3. The Once soundtrack, Corinne Bailey Rae, Iron & Wine, Regina Spektor, Dido, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Weezer, Nirvana: A rule that seems to apply to all my music picks is that they are either slow, really old and jazzy, or I've heard it so much that I have to like it.

4. My best friend Lili and my other AMAZING best friends: We've had our rough moments, like the time she bit me when we were 3, but being the giver I am, I forgave her. We laugh, we cry, then we laugh again. Appearance wise we are opposites and are personalities differ, but we get along perfectly, yin and yang? Oh, and by the way, the Mazacs rock, especially Emily Mazac.

We aren't goofy at all.

5. Singing LALALLALLALA: If you're around me often you have already picked up on this.

6. Reading: I read like crazy. Give me a 700 page book? BOOM, done in a day. Not only does this show I have too much free time on my hands, it also shows my nerdiness if you haven't already picked up on it. I have an immense love for autobiographies, which is kind of random, but you can deal with it.

7. Gay People: Some of my favorite people are gay. When someone is anti-gay I think, "you obviously don't know enough gay people."

8. My youth group: Being the daughter of a minister I'm pegged as either Lindsey Lohan or the Jesus groupee, which I am neither. I'm not a super religious person but I love the people in my youth group. I've known them since before the dinosaurs (yes, there were dinosaurs). They're the brothers and sisters that happen to have different parents than me.

9. The 50's fashion: I mean seriously people, big skirts, red lipstick, what isn't there to like?

 (50's fashion + Frank Sinatra = Happy me!)

10. My Cat, Batty: I'll just put this out there, I LOVE LOVE LOVE cats...except Magnificat. Future crazy cat lady right hurr. There is nothing like being able to have a fuzzy companion to snuggle next to every night. Cats don't need constant attention like dogs do, and cats kill roaches! Well, when they aren't severely obese which sadly my cat is. My cat is ppurrrrrrfect.

Anyways, thanks for letting me put random thoughts onto a page!

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