Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Beginning of School/Fall

Dear World,

The beginning of school/fall area of my life is, by FAR, my least favorite time of the year.

Most kids pretend that they hate getting back to school, but in all honestly love to return because of friends/boys/ etc despite their dislike for school work. I don't share their feelings. In fact, I feel almost the exact opposite way.

School work is easy, I love to learn and just do what I do best. I like getting new teachers. I like learning new subjects. I like it all, except the social aspect, which in truth is the most important part of school.

Some people (more specifically adults) pretend like all that matters in school is that you get good grades, but it's not. When you think about high school you remember the people, the experiences, and how you felt about it all; not the lesson on imagery.

When I think about the impending year, I can't breathe. I literally feel like a weight is sitting on my chest. Who am I going to hang out with? I can't stand so many of the people I go to school with.What the hell am I going to do? The person I spent the most time with last year probably won't want to this year. It just floats around my mind and then I just want to stay in my house forever and never leave. If my sophomore year is as awful as my freshman year I think I WILL have to stay under my sheets forever.

But then again, I'm in a negative mindset today. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and be glad to have another year surrounded by strangers who think I'm weird.

Another good ol' fashioned dramatic teen who hates high school

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